Analyzing Internal Data with OneNote and GIS

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Camellia AB

Learn how to create a cross-sectional analysis tool to align your city/county comprehensive plan, development policies and other important documents with your adopted commu- nity redevelopment plan. This is a great tool that keeps a vast amount of relevant information at your ngertips. Also, get a sneak peek at the new state-wide GIS CRA boundar- ies map from the team that created it. See how it is being used to prove CRA bene ts on a state-wide level, how it is relevant to other data such as the state-wide brown eld oculus information and how you can help validate CRA performance and value.


Moderator: Je rey Burton, MPA, FRA-RA, Director, Palmet- to Community Redevelopment Agency
Speakers: Wes Benge, Strategic Plan Specialist, City of Pal- metto; Zachary Schwartz, GIS Specialist, City of Palmetto; andNicole Tremblay, Strategic Plan Specialist, City of Palmetto