Since its inception in 1984, the Riviera Beach CRA has used every available resource to create jobs, advance infrastructure and improve the quality of life in the City of Riviera Beach, Florida. On its latest list of initiatives is encouraging residents to mark their valuable and meaningful belongings using an easy-to-use chemical coding kit that the CRA supplies to residents within the CRA District for free.

SmartWater CSI Forensic Property Coding Kits contain chemical synthetic DNA unique to each kit that is registered and traceable back to the owner of the property, lasts for five years after application, and is invisible unless viewed under ultraviolet black light where it fluoresces in yellow.

“Unlike initials etched into jewelry and heirlooms, burglars have no idea it’s there,” says Scott Evans, Interim Executive Director for the CRA. “Upon recovery, victims of theft stand a much better chance of being reunited with their most treasured belongings. In addition, as increasing numbers of home and business owners throughout the Riviera Beach CRA District employ the technology, it is hoped that those with bad intentions will get the message that our neighborhood is not a viable target for burglaries.

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